Millor Muruzabal, Nora

Frailty assessment based on the instrumented version of the 30-s chair stand test / Nora Millor Muruzabal ; directores, Marisol Gómez Fernández, Mikel Izquierdo Redin - Pamplona-Iruña : [s.n.] , 2014 - VI, 162 p. : il. ; 23 cm

Tesis--Universidad Pública de Navarra - Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

Kinematic parameters to evaluate functional performance of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions using motion sensor devices: a systematic review, p. 17-68 ; Automatic evaluation of the 30-s chair stand test using inertial/magnetic-based technology in an older prefrail population, p. 69-92 ; An evaluation of the 30-s chair stand test in older adults: frailty detection based on kinematic parameters from a single inertial unit, p. 93-118

Monitoreo Fisiológico---Métodos

Con tecnología Koha